Always Do What is Right

Always Do What is Right

We have God Given Rights

  • The Right to accept or reject the Existence of God.
  • The Right to Pick and Choose the Best
  • The Right to say No to anyone or anything.
  • The Right to Believe anything without Apology.
  • The Right of free agency to follow any path or belief system, without guilt.

Choosing the Right Path

Following the Guidance

Listening to the Still small voice of Truth, the Spirit of Truth.

Receiving the indescribable joy and invigorating freedom in your spirit to explore Jesus’s and the Heavenly Fathers’ universes freely and safely.

Striving for Righteousness

Praying in Faith that we will receive help and guidance from reliable friendly sources.

Receiving the help and leading of the Heavenly Father’s spirit, in our personality, the spirit within us, plus the spirit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of the Son, the Spirit of Truth will give us that blessed assurance that we have the correct Guidance.

Gaining the Assurance that what is received is of God. Our spirits connection to the Heavenly Father’s spirit world, will give us that Assurance.

Understanding that documents are written by men and therefore are incomplete, contain error, and are Not “Sacred”, therefore they may be challenged, dissected, accepted, or rejected, believed, or not believed without apology.

Also understanding that the Bibles, Scriptures, and sacred writings at the same time contain some of the highest ideals, religious concepts, and inspired writings of God seeking men of the past ages, and therefore are not to be disregarded outright.

The Belief in God and his son Jesus’s teachings, and not in any church or manmade doctrine or dogma is a matter of personal choice and determination as to the truthfulness of the information that is presented.

Churches should be for the fellowshipping of believers and for the structuring of learning methods and materials that will encompass all the religious knowledge of the entire human experience.

Divine Love Ministries

A Ministry to Promote the Earth Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia Book, @

His Gospel is:

The Fatherhood of God

and the

Brotherhood of Men

Where to Start:

To Study and Promote the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in The Urantia Book*.

The person of Jesus of Nazareth is our incarnated Creator Michael, and we are in his created universe called Nebadon. Urantia is the name of our earth.

The purpose of this ministry is to closely follow the teachings of Jesus and to introduce his Spirit of Truth into the hearts and minds of anyone desiring to know Jesus and our Heavenly Father.

103:4.4 (1133.4) Jesus swept away all of the ceremonials of sacrifice and atonement. He destroyed the basis of all this fictitious guilt and sense of isolation in the universe by declaring that man is a child of God; the creature-Creator relationship was placed on a child-parent basis. God becomes a loving Father to his mortal sons and daughters. All ceremonials not a legitimate part of such an intimate family relationship are forever abrogated.

Goals of Membership

To learn that we may fearlessly study anything whatsoever we desire, and to learn how to trust Michaels spirit, the Spirit of Truth and his spirit helpers (angels) to guide us into the paths of righteousness.

To learn that we can believe and trust in Jesus, to be one with Him, the God and the Creator of us and our universe.

To learn the real value of faith, prayer, worship, fellowship, and service to our fellow man.

To discover just how thrilling it is to follow the Spirits leading and how friendly the whole universe really is to those who strive to know God and be like him.

103:4.5 (1133.5) God the Father deals with man his child on the basis, not of actual virtue or worthiness, but in recognition of the child’s motivation—the creature purpose and intent. The relationship is one of parent-child association and is actuated by divine love.

*The Urantia Book may be read online on the internet @